Sarasota Bay Estuary Program - Sarasota, Florida - Preserving Sarasota's Water Heritage for the Future Return To SBEP Home Page Sarasota Bay Estuary Program - Sarasota, Florida - Preserving Sarasota's Water Heritage for the Future
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SBEP Mnagement Goals

Protecting a Natural Treasure: The Challenges and the Response

During the past 50 years, human activities have caused a slow but steady decline in the general health of Sarasota Bay. With the founding of Sarasota Bay Estuary Program (SBEP) in 1989, a partnership among local government agencies was established to reverse that trend.  Since then, SBEP has focused on these seven goals:

   1. Improve water transparency
   2. Reduce the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater runoff to the Bay
   3. Restore lost seagrasses and shoreline habitats, and eliminate further losses
   4. Establish an appropriate management structure for Sarasota Bay
   5. Provide increased levels of managed access to Sarasota Bay and its resources
   6. Restore and sustain fish and other living resources in Sarasota Bay
   7. Improve beach, inlet and channel management

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