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About SBEP

To achieve our goals, partnerships were established and have accomplished the following:
1. Fifty percent reduction in nitrogen loading inputs to the Bay since 1988 resulting in significant improvements in water quality and water clarity
2. Creation or enhancement of 5,500 acres of seagrasses
3. restoration and enhancement of 250 acres of intertidal wetland habitat
4. Establishment of the first oyster re-colonization project for the Bay
5. Creation of 20 new ecological parks around the Bay
6. Manufacture and deployment of 2500 artificial reef modules
7. Creation and continued promotion of the Gulf Coast Heritage Trail to provide public access to points of historical, cultural and environmental interest around the Bay
State of the Bay report8. Establishment of a Special District within the State of Florida to manage Bay resources
9. Implementation of a comprehensive public education program including PIER, Sarasota Bay Buddies and Florida Yards & Neighborhoods
10. Provide outdoor and ecological education opportunities for approximately 6200 local school children since 2004.

Click here to download the State of The Bay 2006 Report.