Sarasota Bay Estuary Program - Sarasota, Florida - Preserving Sarasota's Water Heritage for the Future Return To SBEP Home Page Sarasota Bay Estuary Program - Sarasota, Florida - Preserving Sarasota's Water Heritage for the Future
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Get Involved!BAy Guardians T-Shirt

Sarasota Bay Guardians is a family-friendly volunteer program that SBEP runs in partnership with Around the Bend Nature Tours.

Bay Guardians was established to get everyday people involved in making a difference in their community by engaging in activities that make a positive impact on the Sarasota Bay Watershed.

The SBEP backs this program wholeheartedly and invites
everyone to get involved. It’s a really fun, great way for families, teens, and younger children to come out and get their hands dirty
and learn about how they can help in the restoration of Sarasota Bay.

For more information about getting involved with Bay

Guardians contact Sara Kane at (941) 955-8085 or




Sarasota Bay Buddies

Another family-friendly volunteer program offered by SBEP is Sarasota Bay Buddies. Bay Buddies is a
really fun, great way for families and younger children to come out and get their hands dirty and learn about how they can help in the restoration of Sarasota Bay.

For more information about getting involved with the Sarasota Bay Buddies contact Sara Kane at (941) 955-8085 or